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Does the HPV vaccine really prevent cervical cancer?

The HPV vaccine does prevent cervical cancer and it works really well!

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A study reported recently in JAMA (11/27/24) showed a dramatic decrease in cervical cancer in women under the age of 25 as a direct result of HPV vaccines. HPV vaccination rates increased to almost 80% by 2021. During the period 2012 to 2019, cervical cancer rates and deaths decreased by over 60%! This study highlights the importance of the HPV vaccination and the tremendous impact it has had on cervical cancer in young women. HPV vaccination also prevents anal, vaginal, head, neck, oral, vulvar, and penile cancer.

However, Since the start of the COVID pandemic, HPV vaccination rates (and many other vaccines) have decreased and continue to decrease. This is troubling as a decline in vaccination uptake could potentially lead to an increase in cervical cancer cases and fatalities once again.

HPV vaccines are recommended starting at age 11 (and may be given as young as age 9) for both males and females. The HPV vaccine can be given routinely up to age 26 and is approved for use up to age 45 in consultation with a physician.

If you have questions about HPV vaccination, please schedule an appointment to discuss with your primary physician or at WeARE-The Clinic. HPV vaccines are available through many local clinics and pharmacies by appointment.

Information provided by:

Dr. Kristi Elliott, WeARE Medical Director & Doctor

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